Kumaran didn't anticipate that such a large crowd would have gathered for the temple festival.
The annual festival of that temple, located a few miles away from his village, was quite popular among the people in the surrounding villages.
He had witnessed that festival, when he was a boy studying in the school. After that, he didn't have a chance to witness that festival.
Kumaran had no interest in witnessing the festival, but his mother insisted that he attend the festival. "You have completed your studies. You may take up a job in a far off place. You won't get a chance to attend the festival again. So, attend the festival now" was her advice.
She didn't tell him that the reason for her asking him to attend the festival was driven by the belief among the people in that region that unmarried youth who attend the festival would get married soon!
When Kumaran went near the temple, he saw that a large crowd was moving towards the temple like waves marching towards the shore.
Even from a distance, he could see the temple deity placed on an elevated pedestal, with the temple priests performing the worship rituals. It appeared to him that it would take a couple of hours for him to go near the deity and worship the deity.
He decided that he would worship the deity from a distance and return home. He surveyed the crowd again. Hordes of men and women were walking. This movement, when looked at from behind, presented a sight of heads floating in space.
Kumaran noticed one head distinctly, the head of a young woman. He immediately realized that it was the earring the young woman had worn on her ears that made her look distinct.
Kumaran had seen women wearing myriad types of earrings. Even in that gathering, there would have been hundreds of women wearing earrings. But, for some reason, the earring worn by that young woman presented a unique appearance.
Looking from a distance, he couldn't gauge the age of that young woman.
Driven by a sense of curiosity, Kumaran tried to go closer to her by walking past the people who were walking ahead of him.
Beauty that Torments
aNangu kol Aymayil kollO kananguzhai
mAdhar kol mAlum en nenju.
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