Thursday, December 19, 2024

21. The Saint's Choice

"Who was on the phone? You were so excited?" asked Sivakami.

"Swamiji* is visiting our town!" said Dharmaraj, in a voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

"I can't believe this! He seldom steps out of his ashram** at Delhi."

"As you know, a conference on 'Confluence of Religions' is scheduled for next month in our town. He is coming here to participate in that conference."

"Who was the one that gave you this information over phone?"

"It was Swamiji's secretary who called me up. The conference is going to be held for three days. Swamiji will arrive at our town the day before the conference and will leave the day after the conference. He is going to be in our town for five days!" said Dharmaraj, with the enthusiasm of a child.

"I am so happy to hear this. We have gone to Delhi many times to meet him. It is our good fortune that he is coming to our town and staying here for five days. He will be staying in our house, won't he?"

"His secretary didn't say anything about it. He told me that he would give me the details later. Since there is one month time for his visit, he might have thought of telling me about this later. Since our house is the biggest in the town, he will stay here only" said Dharmaraj.

"Is it possible that people who are organizing this event may make his arrangements for his stay?" asked Sivakami.

"Possible. But I am sure that Swamiji will prefer to stay in our house only!" asserted Dharmaraj.
One week before the scheduled arrival of Swamiji, Dharmaraj called up Swamiji's secretary and asked him, "I expect that Swamiji will be staying at my house. But I have not heard anything from you. That's why I am calling you."

"Oh, I am sorry. I seem to have forgotten to tell you when I called you earlier. Swamiji is staying at the house of Vallimuthu, another devotee from your town" said the secretary.

"I know Vallimuthu. Though he is a well-to-do person, he is stingy. His house is small. It doesn't have adequate facilities for Swamiji's comfortable stay. The house has no air-conditioning either. Swamiji will not feel comfortable staying there" said Dharmaraj, in a tone of disappointment.

"What you consider stinginess may appear simplicity to Swamiji. Maybe that's why he is staying there! Anyway, it is Swamiji's decision" said the secretary and hung up.

Before Swamiji's departure after the conference got over, Dharmaraj met him at Vallimuthu's house. When he got a chance to speak to Swamiji in private, Vallimuthu conveyed his disappointment to Swamiji. "Swamiji, I have been your devotee since long. It is disappointing to me that you didn't choose to stay at my house."

Swamiji smiled at Dharmaraj and asked him, "Dharmaraj! Have you read the Mhabharata?"

"I know the outline of the story."

"When Krishna came to Hastinapura, people like Bhishma, Drona and Duryodhana expected him to stay at their house. But Krishna stayed at Vidhura's cottage."

"Swamiji! Am I a wicked creature like Duryodhana?"

"I mentioned the names of Bhishma and Drona also, who were noble people. But Krishna ignored them also and chose Vidhura because of Vidhura's simplicity and ascetic way of life. You are a good person. You are wealthy and use your wealth for many charitable deeds. You are devoted to me. I also esteem you well. It is only because of the goodwill I have for you that I asked my secretary to inform you about my visit to your town" said Swamiji.

"But, you didn't want to stay at my house, Swamiji" said Dharmaraj, grudgingly

"It is not that I didn't want to stay at your house. But my first choice was Vallimuthu's house. Like you, Vallimuthu is also a wealthy person. But he has chosen to discard the luxuries money can buy and has been living a simple life. There is no air-conditioned room in his house. You might have noticed that though there are many air-conditioned rooms in my ashram at Delhi, there is no air-conditioning in the room I live. It is only natural that an ascetic like me prefers to stay in the house of an ascetic like Vallimuthu. When I come here next time, I will stay at your house. You may also practice giving up some comforts and begin to live an ascetic way of life. Renunciation will take us closer to God. Renunciation does not mean renouncing your family, going to the forest and doing penance. It only means giving up at least some comforts we have been enjoying. My best wishes to you and your family!" said Swamiji, touching Dharmaraj's head and blessing him.

* A Hindu saint is respectfully referred to as Swamiji.
** ashram - abode of a saint, a monastery

Section 1: The Path of Virtue
Chapter 3
The Greatness of the Ascetics
Verse 21 (In Tamil)
ozhukkaththu nIththAr perumai vizhuppaththu
vENdum panuval thuNivu.

It is the considered opinion of the scholars that the greatness of people who observe discipline and give up desires deserves to be glorified.

(This is the English version of the Tamil story 'ennai En odhukkinIrgaLby the same author)

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