The young man asked the sage, "Why do human beings need the support of God? Can't we humans live without the support of God?"
The sage looked at the young man for a minute and then asked him, "Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?"
"Yes, of course. I am very good at driving a bike" replied the young man, enthusiastically.
"Do you wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle?"
"Yes, sir. It is mandatory."
"Will you not wear a helmet, if it is not mandatory?"
"I will still wear it."
"It is required for safety."
"Why do we wear the seatbelt while riding in a car?"
"For safety, again. Statistics show that in case of an accident, people who wear the helmet, seatbelt etc. have better chances of survival."
"If you ride a motorcycle, you wear the helmet. If you ride a car, you wear the seatbelt. If you travel by a plane, you have access to safety devices like the seatbelt, oxygen mask, parachute etc. Ships carry lifeboats for the safety of the passengers. Swimmers also have safety devices like floating rings, life jackets etc. Thus, for all the journeys we undertake in our life, we have a plethora of safety devices to save us, in case of any possible mishap, don't' we?"
The youth was waiting to hear what the sage was going to say.
"Life in this world is a journey, similar to a journey through an ocean. We have to undertake this journey, by swimming through this ocean of life. In this long, hazardous journey by swimming, we should seek God's protection to safeguard ourselves from all possible hazards. Those who have taken refuge at the feet of God will find it easy to cross this ocean of life. Those who haven't will find it an arduous task" explained the sage.
Section I - The Path of Virtue
Section I - The Path of Virtue
Chapter 1
In Praise of God
piRavip perungadal nInthuvar nInthAr
iRaivanadi sErAthAr.
Those who have taken refuge at the feet of God will be able to swim through the ocean of life. Those who haven't, won't be able to do so.
Those who have taken refuge at the feet of God will be able to swim through the ocean of life. Those who haven't, won't be able to do so.
(This is the English version of the Tamil story 'vazhkkaip payaNam' by the same author)
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