Thursday, January 16, 2025

38. The Saint's Spouse

"Thanmayi" called out Saint Satva.

"Yes, Swami*!" said Thanmayi, coming out of the kitchen.

"I am leaving for the site of the penance" said Satva.

"Swami, you have been subjecting yourself to suffering by doing penance throughout the day, sitting in the wild and braving the sun, the winds and the rain, that too without adequate food intake. You only take a few vegetables in the night. You sleep only for a few hours. It pains me to see that your body which was like an iron pillar has now become like a frail creeper" said Thanmayi, with concern.

"The scriptures say that one can attain salvation only through abstention and penance. Just as you have observed how my ascetic practices have been weakening my physique, the Lord will also observe it. He will appear before me and grace me. With His blessings, I will reach the Heaven, taking you along. Indra, the lord of the celestials, will give us a warm welcome, garland us and take us in."

After, Satva had left, Thanmayi became brisk, carrying out her routine. She took out a handful of rice from the rice pot and dropped the rice at several holes and cracks inside the hut. That was for the ants living there. Some of the rice might be eaten by rats and other insects also. It was fine!

She then put some rice in a vessel, washed the rice with water, took out the washed water and poured it in the food trough of the cow, at the back of the hut. She then cooked the rice in a mud vessel. After the rice was cooked, she filtered out the gruel that was frothing on top of the rice, using a perforated vessel. After the gruel cooled down, She would feed it to the calf.

She took out a few spoons of cooked rice and placed it in on a raised platform near the well at the back of her hut. That was for the crows.

Thanmayi then came out of the house, carrying the mud vessel containing the cooked rice. A cat and a dog were sitting there, waiting for her to feed them. She emptied the mud vessel by placing the cooked rice in two wooden plates kept there, one for the cat and the other for the dog. They began to eat the food with interest.

She kept the empty mud vessel in the water-filled tough near the well, meant for washing the dishes. 

Thanmayi won't take food during the day since her husband didn't. She would take some fruits and vegetables in the night just as Satva did. She cooked rice only for feeding the animals.

Outside her hut, a few women were waiting. They were from the nearby houses. Thanmayi smiled at them and nodded her head. They bowed to her in gratitude and plucked out vegetables and fruits from her garden. This was an everyday occurrence. They knew which vegetables and fruits were used by Satva and Thanmayi and would pluck out those fruits and vegetables that the couple didn't need.

A squirrel which was cracking a nut sitting on the branch of a mango tree looked at her and struck its tail on the tree as if greeting her.

Thanmayi entered the house. She went into the prayer room, sat in front of the portrait of Lord Badrinath and started reciting divine hymns.


Thanmayi who had her eyes closed while reciting the hymns, instantly opened her eyes, on hearing someone utter her name.

A puzzled Thanmayi looked at the entrance of the house. Satva would not have returned by this time. Moreover, the voice she heard was not her husband's. Who else could have called her by her name? Or, did she imagine something?


She heard the voice again. But the voice was coming from her front side. There was only the Lord's portrait in front of her.

She looked at the portrait of Lord Badrinarayana. She sensed some movement in the portrait. She also observed a ray of light flashing from the portrait, like a ray of lightning.

'Is Lord Badrinarayana talking to me?'

'Yes.' The reply came from the portrait, in response to the question that arose in her mind.

"Badrinarayana!" cried Thanmayi, in excitement. "My husband has been doing penance to get your grace. But you have appeared before me!"

"The righteous life you have been living is also a form of penance. You fast during the day, but you cook rice and feed it to other living beings. You share the vegetables and fruits grown in your garden with others. The righteous acts you do every day will bring in many benefits to you even without your asking for any" said the voice that came from the portrait.

"I don't need anything for me, Lord. My only desire is that in the coming births also, I should be united with my husband, as his spouse."

"That won't happen, Thamayi!"

"Why, Lord?"

"As a result of the righteous deeds you have been performing every day, you will be freed from the cycle of births and deaths. Y
ou won't have another birth."

"What about my husband?"

"He is seeking a place in the heaven. As a result of his penance, he will go to heaven as desired by him. He will have a blissful life in the heaven for some time. After that, he will be reborn as a human or other being, as determined by his karma."

"Can you not free him also from the cycle of births and deaths?"

"I can grant him only what he seeks!"

"What if I want to be with him during his coming births also?"

"You will be with him only during this birth. You won't have another birth, but your husband will have. The connection between the two of you will be broken when the present birth ends for either of you. But you don't have to grieve over this. The bonding and affection between the two of you will last only till the end of your present birth. You just keep living your life the way you have been living."

Thanmayi was not sure whether what happened was a hallucination she had in her wakeful state or whether unknown to herself, she went into a slumber due to fatigue and had a dream in that sleep.

*Swami - It was the practice in the ancient India for the wife to address the husband respectfully as 'Swami' meaning 'the Lord (God).'

Section 1
The Path of Virtue
Chapter 4
Stressing the Power of Virtue

Verse 38 (In Tamil)
vIzhnAL padAmai nanRARRin ahdhoruvan
vAzhnAL vazhi adaikkum kal.

If a person keeps doing good deeds every day, such deeds will ensure that he will not have another birth.

(This is the English version of the Tamil story 'rishipathni' by the same author)

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